How the peak-end rule may make all the difference to your holiday memories? Plus, why we should take care when using public charging points. And 3 tips on how to recharge ourselves, not just our devices.
Seriously, we know how this works. That’s because we’re immersed in behavioural science, and know of the peak-end rule.
This is all about the way we evaluate past experiences. And it says that when you look back over the course of an experience, you’ll remember the peak (either the best or worst bit) and what happens at the end.
You can read more about this in our latest blog – including some tips
on how to plan your holiday so that you’re sure to have some great memories!
We came across some interesting research from IT company Kaspersky, which surveyed nearly 25,000 public WiFi spots around Paris just ahead of the opening of the Olympic Games. Scarily, every fourth hotspot (25%!) was not secured or encrypted properly, making them vulnerable to interception or cyber attack.
These statistics are likely to be replicated across
most cities – and be even worse in some. So take care, whether you are at the Olympics, going to a festival or heading off on holiday.
Ready to unplug? We spend a lot of time talking about protecting our devices, but it’s important to give ourselves
time to recharge too. Here are three quick tips on looking after yourself, Psybersafe style.
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