Making a fresh start in 2025?
Psybersafe December 2024 Newsletter
Making a fresh start in 2025?
In this issue...
As we approach 2025, we remind ourselves of the science of behaviour change and why it is even more critical in the New Year to keep on top of the human element in cyber security.
Making a fresh start in 2025?
It’s that time of year when we start to think about what we might do differently in 2025. Whether it’s a personal goal or a business one, starting – and sticking to – a new resolution can be tricky.
Or is it? If you understand how habit-making works, you can make your fresh start with confidence. That’s why this month’s blog is all about habits and making a start on something new. And, of course, we apply our behavioural science expertise to build our bite-sized cyber security training, which is why it works!
The fight for cyberspace
We were fascinated by the recent speech by Dr Richard Horne, new CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre. He pointed out that we are facing "a contest between those of us who are using technology to conduct and improve our lives and prosperity and those people who seek to use our digital dependency against us".
Cyber incidents are only going to increase in 2025. Criminals are smart and motivated, and both individuals and organisations are going to have to work harder than ever to manage their approach to cyber security. Psybersafe is increasingly part of these plans, providing ongoing, fun and targeted online staff training that gives you confidence in the human element of your cyber security.
Three of the best from 2024
2024 has been a good year for Psybersafe:
Spread the word!
Our monthly newsletters are full of useful information and advice for businesses and individuals who know they need to keep up to date with cyber security issues. Why not pass this month’s newsletter onto your colleagues and encourage them to sign up?
Want to protect your business in 2025?
If you’d like to start making a difference to your business by bringing in dedicated behavioural cyber training, just get in touch today – and help your people to change their cyber habits for the better.
Want to do a good deed and help your family, friends and colleagues?
Why not forward them this newsletter and suggest they subscribe – and help them be more cyber safe in the new year! It’s why our reader numbers continue to grow.
Until next time...
For cyber security news and behavioural science tips and tricks, sign up for our monthly newsletter here.
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